My Gardening Story

A Blank Canvas​

The Beginnings: My Field of Experiments

In the beginning, my gardening story began with a blank canvas – just a bare field waiting to be transformed. I bought five books, eventually adopted a ‘No Dig’ approach with a total organic ethos from the get-go. I planted a few rows of vegetables, just garlic and onions, and learned the basics of soil preparation, composting, rotation, scheduling and cultivation. Plus a good bit of other gardening stuff.

A Blank Canvas
A Blank Canvas
Somewhere, under a rainbow, a perfect polytunnel picture… it is not modified, it is what it is, but it might rain soon.

The Polytunnel Revolution: Discovering the Polytunnel

The addition of a 50-foot polytunnel was a game-changer. It offered almost year-round cultivation, protection from the elements, and a space to experiment with new varieties.

polytunnel revolution
The Polytunnel Revolution
the poly gang
The Poly Gang.. thanks folks! The mathematician Matthew is missing. He calculated all the angles.

Expanding Beyond Borders: The Outdoor Bed Expansion

With the addition of approximately 300 linear feet of garden beds, I diversified my crops, embracing the challenges and joys of open-air gardening. It was a transition from controlled environments to the unpredictable, yet sometimes rewarding, world of outdoor cultivation.

Lessons from the Field: Trials, Errors, and Triumphs

My gardening journey has been a range of experiences. From battling pests to celebrating any harvests, any rainbows, preserving, cooking, each season has taught me valuable lessons in patience, resilience, and the incredible satisfaction of nurturing life from soil.

The Ongoing Adventure: Tending to My Growing

Today, my garden is more than just a hobby; it's almost a full time job. It's a place where I can sometimes be under a blue sky, (it's Ireland) notice nature, find solace in the rhythm of the seasons, and quite literally enjoy the fruits of my labour. My gardening story continues, it is ever-evolving.

Topics of Specific Interest To Me

Hydroponics | Deep Water Culture | Microbes and ph
I've experimented with hydroponics previously. I may install a system in Spring 2024 subject to practicality and costs. As it is I am now building up the knowledge required via ongoing research. Please see:

  • Herbs – if you can cook you need herbs 🙂
  • Indoor – focusing on House | Polytunnel | Greenhouse
  • Pesticides – occasional articles on the dangers and implications
  • Composting – ongoing series of articles on the optimum methods
  • Expert Tips – things I have learned – mostly the hard way. Seasoned gardeners may get a laugh, seasonal gardeners may find something useful.