About Me

Who Am I

Hello, my name is Des Donnelly, I made this site to help record my own gardening journey, so About Me et al is a work in progress. I wanted a place to build up my own tutorials, tips and tricks, topics of specific interest, almost like my own manual in a mix of mediums. “Use the Tech” is the mantra. FYI The Sanskrit word mantra- is derived from the root man- “to think”

I decided that, given the hundreds of hours spent in the garden, I would share it publicly. Perhaps you may find it useful.

I wish you the best of luck with your gardening. Enjoy the adventure.

Since I came from an IT background the first tools I deployed in the garden were Spreadsheets, Docs, my smart phone. Ultimately / eventually I had to engage with the spade. After 5 years I am on my second wheelbarrow and the reciprocating hoe is well worn.

The Spreadsheet Approach

Creating spreadsheets to manage every facet of growing plants has revolutionized my approach to gardening. These spreadsheets are my go-to tools for organized and data-driven cultivation.

I start by planning and tracking plant growth cycles meticulously. Recording sowing & planting dates, watering schedules, and growth milestones helps me anticipate harvest times and address any deviations from the expected progress.

They also allow me to monitor environmental conditions effectively. I collect and analyze data on temperature, humidity, and sunlight, allowing me to fine-tune growing conditions for optimal results.

Managing my inventory of seeds is easier with spreadsheets. I can ensure timely replenishment and efficient resource utilization.

Lastly, spreadsheets could help me budget and track expenses, enabling me to manage costs effectively throughout the gardening season. I did not fill in those columns yet.

In sum, my personalized spreadsheets are indispensable for my gardening journey, empowering me to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and achieve gardening success.

I will share my 2024 planning schedules spreadsheets for the polytunnel and garden when they are completed.


I am a child of the imperial era, i.e. feet and inches. I am somewhat reluctantly moving to metric. You may find a mix of measurements. A conversion in your head is handy:

  • from metric to imperial e.g. 30cm – divide by 5 and multiply by 2 (it's near enough).
  • from imperial to metric e.g. 12inches – multiply by 10 and divide by 4 (it's near enough too).

Social / X aka Twitter

This is my brand new profile picture for my brand new profile on X. I'm following Elon for now but may add others, lol.


Just Add Water
Thinking About Adding Water

Have any questions? I'm always open to discussing garden development, new projects, creative opportunities and indeed revenue opportunities.


My Gardening Story